Thank you for your interest in joining! We are delighted to be the leading network that connects Prolotherapy physicians with patients.
How do patients find a Prolotherapy doctor?
Nowadays, there is one key answer: the internet! Since 2001, we have worked hard to get your message across to potential patients through the membership website, our sister medical journal: The Journal of Prolotherapy, and continuously ranking high in all internet searches relating to Prolotherapy, especially for physicians state by state.
Your Membership includes:
- A personal web page which will appear under your state and city (or cities if you practice in more than one location).
- All about you! We encourage our members to make their GetProlo page as detailed as possible, so potential patients can learn about your unique practice and what makes you the Prolotherapist they will want to see.
If you practice Prolotherapy, put yourself on the map! Here’s how…
Complete the application below. After you complete the application and hit submit, the second step will take you to a PAY NOW button where you can conveniently and safely make your payment for your one-time membership fee.
The one-time membership fee is $1,500.
If you are serious about Prolotherapy and want to reach out to patients looking for a practice like yours, we are confident you will find this to be an incredible value.
Physicians outside of the United States: is also open to practitioners outside of the USA. We are excited to expand, just as Prolotherapy has, throughout the world. We hope to connect you with potential patients in your country/region!